Wednesday, May 27, 2009

It's the final Count Down . . .

We have a few so here we go.

8 more days until Keston is twelve

9 more days of school (yipee) which means no more homework!!!

18 more days until Keston is a deacon - holy smoly

43 more days until Grandpa retires (hopefully he'll sign up to be the Hemsley nanny)

45 more days until Wasa - start warming up the boat Rob

53 more days until Keston goes on his first 50 miler hike - his dad better watch out for him

89 more days (approx) until Chad starts tackle football - I hope he can run fast enough so he doesn't get hit

90 more days until Tylissa is in high school - GASP!

1 year and 6 months until we hit California!!!

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