Keston had a birthday - the official teenager one and he did track this year. His favorite events were triple and long jump. Sorry the video of the triple jump isn't working.
Throw in Wasa (yes like a dork I forgot the camera and Ken copied everything for me but do you think I remember where the disk is at this moment - nope so look on everyone else's blog to see pictures of Wasa). There was a quick trip to Rexburg. And you've got summer.
Chad got to go to Granny's not once but twice - for a week in June and a week in July all by himself. He was getting a little tired of Kayden always ditching him.
Keston went to Scout Camp on Melita Island twice this summer - once with his troop and once as a SIT (staff in training). Next year he will get paid to play (like father like son).
Three boys originally went but one got injured so then there were two.
Guess I better get you another copy of the Wasa Pictures!
Toooooo much Fun!!!!!!
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