Monday, January 10, 2011

Keston's New Adventure

This is the last time you will see this goofy smile - those baby teeth are finally getting pulled. Yep - they are goners.

This is what Keston smiled looked like on Sunday night. What a cutie!

Here are the little treasures - two from each side. This brings back horrific memories of my trips to the dentist. Like mother like son, I remember getting my four teeth pulled.

His face is still partially numb here and he looks very rabbit like. I think I like the old smile better. It was funny to watch him talk and smile because the top lip wouldn't move.

This was his first time getting the freezing - can you believe the kid has never had cavities. He said the shot wasn't too bad and he couldn't feel a thing but he hated have the freezing way up in his nose. Luckily there were no booger catastrophes while he couldn't feel his nose.

So with the three teeth that came out over the holidays subtract these four teeth and it equals, what the heck is this kid going to be able to eat and with what teeth.
I wish I had a scanner because I would scan in the cute picture of when Keston was 18 months old and all he had was four teeth - two on the top and two on the bottom - The look was very similar.

There it is folks - the final . . . would you call this a smile? Thinking he would need soft food tonight I made chicken and mashed potatoes - when I called him for dinner he was eating crunchy Cheetos so it wasn't bothering him too terribly.
Now we will be patient and see how those teeth come in - we will find out the final to brace or not to brace the teeth in 6 months.
**The Hemsleys are now taking donations for the orthodontia work that will probably need to enter the above mouth. All major credit cards, cash and checks will be accepted**

Friday, January 7, 2011

Bow Chicky Birthday

Val just loves his birthday - he is lucky and always takes it off while the rest of us are back to the real world. Happy Birthday Dad - we sure love you!

Bye Bye Baby

The baby is no longer the baby. Okay so he really hasn't been a baby for a long time but at birthdays it seems to really sink in.

Opening his gifts - He got some great stuff - Legos, DS game, money (thanks Grandmas and Grandpas) - who could ask for anything more.

It took him a couple of hours to get his put together - we'll see how long it actually stays together.

Putting together the Build-it-Yourself Mousetrap game. I don't know how he does it but he come back from behind and beats me every time we play it.

The birthday cake - the candles were so "cool" the flame was the same color as the candle. Chad thought they were the coolest thing ever - it took him a bit to decide if he wanted to blow them out.

Boo-yah - one big breath is all it took and not one girlfriend. Can you believe our baby is 11.
Happy Birthday Chad - we sure do love you!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Christmas morning

Christmas morning finally arrived.

Looks like we are blessed again.

The kids wasted no time with their stockings and Keston was the only one that got a picture. He and Chad a tons of socks in their sock.

Tylissa and her new Precious Moment - Belle reading a book - that fits Tylissa.

New DS game for Keston - Dragon Quest - so far he really likes playing it.

Jammies for Chad.

For the man who loves die, dice, dices - Dicecapades - over 100 dice to play with. It is pretty fun - come on over for a game.

To remember our great vacation - a new Disney ornament that plays the Fantasia Sorcerer's Apprentice and lights up - I love it!

An Ipod - how fun is that!

A new hat for Val - thanks Tylissa and thanks for making us all rice bags. My toes are staying warm at night.

An Ipod for Dad.

A DS for Chad - bring it on.

Keston got an Ipod too - the whole family has gone electronic.

Another great game to play - Tylissa had fun building it first - of course it is a pyramid.

A DS game to go with that DS.

It was a great Christmas and we have been truly blessed this year. Our blessings have runneth over the cup and we are truly grateful. Merry Christmas everyone! OK it is a bit late but full of love!

Christmas Eve = Food, Fun, Faith and Friends

Christmas Eve is always my favorite part of the holidays. We get good food, great company, and we have a fantastic time. We are so blessed to have the Torens in our life and so grateful that they agree to share our wacky traditions with us.

We started out with dinner and there was a lot of it. Then we head downstairs to read the nativity story - we attempted to sing and only tried one song. We need to just put the music on the ipods.

Getting ready to read the nativity story.

Now who didn't want their picture taken?

B helping tell the nativity story. She had fun setting up all the pieces.

We then tried something new this year with a White Elephant exchange. We had a great time and think this will become a new piece to our evening. The kids picked out their own gifts and I laughed so hard when I tried to clean out our bathroom cupboard and Val just picked it all again. However - he did end up with Ethics in Accounting journal - and for some reason hasn't finished reading it.

Then it is on to the pinata.

To start the pinata we told Keston he had to hit it with a noodle first - so he did and it came back and hit him in the nose. Note to self - noodles fight back.

B is ready to go - look at that stance. She was so much fun to be around - to see the excitement in her face was contagious. Teenagers just don't have that anymore.

Next up is M and she meant business.

K didn't waste any time making her mark.

Chad taking a big whack at the pinata

At least he held onto the bad - dad's knees are very glad.

Tylissa put in all her gusto with each swing.

The goods - remember mom gets all the swedish berries.

I wish everyone could have heard this conversation. To take a picture of them all in their hoodies - I told them to strike the pose - then the debate started on how skaters would stand. It's not like this, it's like this. My question is when have my kids been around skaters to know how they would stand. And sorry Keston but I doubt any of them would open with prayer.

Thanks so much Granny and Grandpa Paul for the hoodies.

The jammies and the hoodies - what a crew! We love the surprises that come out of the pinata. Who wouldn't love these guys?

Thanks Nathan for the nerf gun - too bad we didn't have Granny's glasses to shoot.

Thanks Preston for the movie - a great choice!

Thanks Austin for the t-shirt! You have great taste cause it's not pink.

PreChristmas - Gingerbread houses

To start the season we decorate gingerbread houses/train with the Torens. We always have a great time and the kids do a great job decorating.

The finished products - I think more goes into Chad than on the house.

Keston and Tylissa having fun decorating.

Is Chad wondering what to put on the house or what to eat - it seem like every time we look at him he was eating the frosting and if you have ever tasted the frosting that comes with these houses - ick.

DT and M working on their house.